Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.

My health journey included a diagnosis in 2014 of a very aggressive breast cancer. I was determined to fight with all I had. Fighting meant eating healthier, exercising and doing everything I could to build up my immune system during, and after, the limited medical treatment options available. There were not any long-term support options, such as hormone treatment, to decrease risk of reoccurrence.
In my research, I came across the many health benefits of elderberry syrup. Most of the brands in the stores and online were filled with all kinds of additives and were so expensive. I set out to come up with my own personal recipe, that is not only delicious but is an absolute powerhouse.
After years of making elderberry syrup for myself, my family, and friends, GG’s has grown into a successful business by word of mouth. God used that very difficult time for good. GG’S Elderberry & Wellness is helping families to lead healthier lives. We have expanded from the primary product of elderberry syrup and continue to add other wellness products that continue to make a difference.
We are a small, family-run business that makes everything in small batches with lots of care and love. My husband and I have four grown children, and seven grandchildren. My grandchildren think GG’S elderberry syrup tastes like “Christmas in a bottle.”
Thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoy shopping. Be blessed!