Frequently Asked Questions
Most frequent questions and answers
What is Elderberry and What Are Its Benefits:
Elderberry is a plant that has been used for centuries as a natural health remedy, to support the immune system. All of our elderberry products are made from organic, dried elderberries of the Sambucus Nigra plant.
How Often Should I Take Elderberry and How Much Is One Dose?
It would be best to do your own research and/or consult with a physician, but most of our customers take a small dose year-round, some take it in the fall/winter, and a few do it just when they feel a sickness coming on. Our family takes it daily. When we are around sick people, or get sick, we will take a dose 2-3 times a day. That works well for us. An adult serving is approximately one tablespoon, and a child serving is approximately one teaspoon. You can take elderberry once a day or up to three times daily, if needed. Children under one should not take elderberry syrup if it has honey in it. It can be made with maple syrup if intended for children under age one.
How Do I Store My Elderberry Syrup and How Long Does It Last?
Our elderberry syrup lasts 2-3 months refrigerated. If you need it to last longer, you can freeze them in ice cube trays and thaw as needed. This is a great option if you don’t take it daily.
How Does GG’S Elderberry Differ from Store Bought?
Most store-bought elderberry syrup is made with glucose syrup and other additives and is very expensive. GG’S uses raw, local honey in our syrup and no additives or preservatives. Our elderberry syrup is roughly half the cost of store-bought, and tastes so much better.
Where Do Your Elderberries Come From?
While it may change with supply, we currently get our elderberries from Bulgaria and Ukaraine.
Can You Take While Pregnant or Breastfeeding?
We always suggest talking with your physician and doing what you feel most comfortable with. However, we have many pregnant and breastfeeding mommas that use our elderberry syrup and feel it is safe for both. They have had great results.
Is Your Syrup Organic?
Our products are all USDA organic ingredients and raw, local honey but we are not USDA Organic Certified.
Does Your Elderberry Need to Be Refrigerated?
Yes, it does, as there are not any preservatives in it. It is made fresh weekly. We do not ship it cold as there is a 3–5-day window that elderberry can stay at room temperature after it is prepared. If it is shipped to you just refrigerate upon arrival. This is for quality purposes, not safety.
What Size Jar Do You Recommend?
Our 16-ounce jar has approximately 30-60 adult servings and 90-180 child servings and our 32-ounce jar has double that. We usually recommend the 32 ounce jar for a family and 16 ounce jar for a single person.
How Can We Contact You with Any Questions or Concerns?
You can reach us by email at, or call 217 652-5000. We try to respond as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours.
What Brand of Essential Oils Do You Use?
All of the essential oil products are made with Doterra Brand oils.